Faspay SDK

Sdk for developing faspay API for PHP

this sdk contains 2 parts of payment ,debit and credit, debit mostly use POST Rest API with json, all objects are wrapped for faspay credit - click here -

for faspay debit you can follow docs below

Faspay Debit

to begin, you must extends the class faspay_user like this:

require_once '../faspay_user.php';
class test_user extends faspay_user{
    //put your code here
    function __construct() {


you can switch between dev/prod

$config = new configs_dev($user);
//$config = new configs_prod($user);

you can switch between dev/prod

$config = new configs_dev($user);
//$config = new configs_prod($user);

here is the service all function are start here

$service = new FaspayServiceImpl($config);

#Faspay Debit, inquiry payment channel

to get your list of payment channel

just use


Faspay Debit, create payment

lets say you need to send payment , you need to get the payment channel object from fuction inqueryPaymentChannel or you can set the object by using this code

$alfaPC = new FaspayPaymentChannel();

create the items

$item = Array();
$order = new FaspayPayment("Item #1", 1, 100000, FaspayPayment::PAYMENT_PLAN_FULL_SETTLEMENT, $config->getUser()->getMerchantId(), FaspayPayment::TENOR_FULL);
array_push($item, $order);
$order = new FaspayPayment("Item #2", 1, 100000, FaspayPayment::PAYMENT_PLAN_FULL_SETTLEMENT, $config->getUser()->getMerchantId(), FaspayPayment::TENOR_FULL);
array_push($item, $order);

set the data of your payment. Bill data, , User data , shipping data

$userBillData = FaspayPaymentRequestBillData::managed("123123", "x", 10, "10000", $item,FaspayPaymentRequestBillData::PAY_TYPE_MIXED);
$userData = new FaspayPaymentRequestUserData("087123123123", "hil@hil.com", FaspayPaymentRequestWrapper::TERMINAL_MOBILE_APP_ANDROID, "123123", "hahahaha");
$shippingBillData = new FaspayPaymentRequestShippingData();

wrap and create billing

$requestPaymentWrapper = new FaspayPaymentRequestWrapper($config, $userBillData, $alfaPC, $userData, $shippingBillData);
echo json_encode($service->createBilling($requestPaymentWrapper));

Faspay Debit, cancel payment

to cancel payment

echo json_encode($service->cancelTransaction(new FaspayPaymentCancelRequestWrapper("8986322540000844","123123","123",$config)));

Faspay Debit, jnquiry payment

to inquiry the status of payment

echo json_encode($service->inqueryPaymentStatus(new FaspayPaymentStatusRequestWrapper("x","8986322540000844", "123123", $config)));

IMPORTANT! Faspay Payment Notification

when users accept payment or cancel payment the notification of payment status are sent to your server , Contact faspay support to register your callback url notification,

your callback controller from your http server must response the request from faspay in the format that suits faspay needs , the format could be generated with this code in your controller

require_once '../../vendor/autoload.php';
require_once '../entity/notify/NotifyHandler.php';

$a = new NotifyHandler();
//get the notification from $a you can  save to database

echo $a->handle();