
Tools for Me

Primary LanguagePowerShell


Educational Use Only

The tools and scripts provided herein are intended solely for educational and research purposes. They are designed to help individuals learn about cybersecurity and develop their skills in a controlled, ethical, and legal manner.

No Illegal Activity

It is strictly prohibited to use these tools and scripts for any illegal activity, including but not limited to unauthorized access to computer systems, networks, or data. Misuse of these resources can lead to severe legal consequences.

Permission Required

Before using or executing any tools or scripts provided, you must obtain explicit permission from the owner of the system or network you intend to test. Unauthorized use of these tools and scripts is unethical and illegal.

No Warranty

These tools and scripts are provided "as is" without any warranty of any kind. The author(s) and distributor(s) of these resources are not responsible for any damage or legal issues that may arise from their use.


By downloading, using, or executing any tools or scripts provided herein, you acknowledge that you understand and accept this disclaimer in its entirety.


A good old Nerds With the help of ChatGpt !!!

-- Voici La Commande Pour Compiler le camera.cpp > pour windows

g++ camera.cpp -o camera.exe -IC:\opencv\opencv\bui ld\include\ -lopencv_core -lopencv_highgui -lopencv_imgcodecs -lopencv_videoio

-- Voici La Commande Pour Compiler le Code Windows >
gcc service.c -o service.exe

cl /Fe:httptest.exe /I"C:\temp\vcpkg\installed\x86-windows\include" /I"C:\temp\vcpkg\scripts\buildsystems" /std:c++17 /EHsc user32.lib gdi32.lib libcurl.lib httptest.cpp screencapture.cpp fileutils.cpp /link /LIBPATH:"C:\temp\vcpkg\installed\x86-windows\lib"

cl.exe /nologo /Ox /EHsc /DNDEBUG /Felol.exe lol.cpp User32.lib

cl /EHsc privcheck.cpp /link /out:privcheck.exe Advapi32.lib