
A project for the Internet of Things class (CSC700M AY 15-16) that makes use of multiple sensors and an MQTT broker. This is implemented with Java (user interface), Python (serial communication with sensor; MQTT broker publisher and subscriber), and MySQL (database).

Primary LanguageJava

Temperature of Things


A project for the Internet of Things class (CSC700M AY 15-16) that makes use of multiple sensors and an MQTT broker. This is implemented with Java (user interface), Python (serial communication with sensor; MQTT broker publisher and subscriber), and MySQL (database). See IoT Project Specs.pdf for more info.


How to Use

  • Set up arduino/sensors (see /resources/arduino/)
  • Start the mysql server
  • Set up the database (see /resources/sqlscripts/)
  • Start the mqtt broker
  • Change the necessary details in the config.ini (see /resources/)
  • Run the temp_main.py to invoke the Publisher and Subscriber (see /resources/pyscripts/)
    • Choose which Publisher you'd like to try: test_pub or temp_pub
  • Run the Driver.java (see /src/)
    • Opens the user interface