
Discord Bot for computing your AL D&D 5e character's hit points, given the Constitution modifier, its classes and levels, and other HP modifiers such as Tough feat or being a Hill Dwarf.

Primary LanguagePython


Valron the HP Calculator

Valron the HP Calculator

Art by Zentrend.

Discord Bots

Discord Bot for computing your AL D&D 5e character's hit points, given the Constitution modifier, its classes and levels, and other HP modifiers such as Tough feat or being a Hill Dwarf.

Discord Server Invitation

Invite it to your Discord server with this link.



/hp <con_modifier> <classA#/classB#/etc> [hp_mod1/hp_mod2/etc]


/hp 3 fighter1/barb2/paladin1

Example with HP modifiers

/hp 3 fighter1/barb2/paladin1 tough/hilldwarf

Other commands

  • /help - main help command
  • /options - to see the list of supported classes and HP modifiers
  • /links - to view some helpful links


  • Python 3.8
  • disnake.py v2.5.2, a modern, easy to use, feature-rich, and async ready API wrapper for Discord
  • See requirements.txt for full list of dependencies
  • For unit tests (see requirements-test.txt):

Local Development

  • Install dependencies with pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Run with python bot.py
  • Install unit test dependencies with pip install -r requirements-test.txt
  • Run unit tests with pytest


Hello, hello! This bot that I have made is just a little passion project of mine. Any support or donation (PayPal | Ko-Fi | GCash) is much appreciated to keep up with the hosting fees. Thank you very much!

For feedback or suggestions, join the support discord server here.