TRISK_CPU stands for Toy RISC CPU. This project is an emulator and assembler for a simple/toy 8-bit RISC designed in 2016.
Use CMAKE. On linux, the lazy out there can run ./lmr
is the assembler.
is the emulator.
To assemble and run the program:
./tas <input assembly file> <output binary file>
./tem <input binary file> <output binary file>
<output binary file>
contains the final state of RAM after the program has finished execution.
Sample programs can be found in sample_programs/
NOP Does nothing ("No Operator"). Fetches next instruction.
HALT Halts the CPU.
SET <X> <Y> [X = Y] Sets register X to register Y.
PCL <X> [PC = X iff L == 1] Sets program counter to address pointed to by register X (which can be a label) iff L flag == 1.
PCO <X> [PC = X iff O == 1] Sets program counter to address pointed to by register X iff O flag == 1.
PCS <X> [PC = X iff S == 1] Sets program counter to address pointed to by register X iff S flag == 1.
LDI <X> <VAL> [X = (*(PC++))] Sets register X to whatever byte VAL is.
LD <X> <Y> [X = *Y] Sets register X to whatever byte in RAM at location Y is.
ADD <X> <Y> [X += Y]
SUB <X> <Y> [X -= Y]
RSHIFT <X> <Y> [X >>= Y]
NOT <X> [X = ~X]
JMP <X> [PC = X] Sets program counter to address pointed to by register X (unconditional jump).
PCC <X> [PC = X iff C = 1] Sets program counter to address pointed to by register X iff C flag == 1.
PCZ <X> [PC = X iff Z = 1] Sets program counter to address pointed to by register X iff Z flag == 1.
AND <X> <Y> [X &= Y]
OR <X> <Y> [X |= Y]
CMP <X> <Y> [X - Y] (no store -- only sets flags)
ST <X> <Y> [*X = Y] Sets RAM pointed to by register X to Y.
Refer to beginning of src/assembler/assembler.cpp
for complete assembly syntax and notes.