
C.Org is a web app created to help community organizers stay organized. On C.Org, users can create a central organizing space, online, for their organization.

How it works:

  • Users can create and join groups representing their organization
  • Users can upload meeting minutes (from Google Drive) to a group, and C.Org automatically extracts and asigns action items to group members
  • Unassigned action items can be viewed on the group page, and any member of the group can assign the item to themselves
  • A user can see their action items and the groups they belong to on their profile
  • Once an action item is completed, the user marks it as done and all members of the group are notifed
  • Additionally, a user can keep track of all their online scheduling platforms, such as When2Meet, across their groups on one central page


C.Org Demo

Check out our full hackathon submission on Devpost