
API token middleware for Kitura

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


KituraApiToken is API token validation middleware for Kitura.

KituraApiToken allows you to specify API tokens that different clients can use and verify those API tokens are used when calling endpoints. If an endpoint requires an API token and receives an incorrect token or does not receive one at all, a 401 unauthorized response is returned.


In Package.swift, add KituraApiToken as a dependency for your project.

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "example-app-name",
    dependencies: [
        .Package(url: "https://github.com/addisonwebb/kitura-api-token", majorVersion: 0)


Setup the APITokenVerification class with the API tokens you would like to accept.

public class RouterCreator {
    public static func create() -> Router {
        let router = Router()

        // api tokens
        let apiTokens = ["com.example-app.ios": UUID(uuidString: "A1F06875-E45D-4EEF-BB4F-05B95A572A81")!]
        router.all(middleware: APITokenVerification(with: apiTokens))

        return router

Add the apiToken header to the appropriate HTTP requests.

curl "http://example.com/foo" \
     -H "apiToken: B2D06875-E45D-4EEF-BB4F-05B95A572A82"


Licensed under the MIT license. Full text available in LICENSE.