This document summarizes how to install and configure Bind9, with a MySQL database as backend instead of configuration files. The repo contains also a simplified API to connect with the DNS via webservices and change its configuration remotely (add Zone, delete zone ...). The API was created for testing purpuses.
Why? Working on a Domain name server means that you will be frequently editing configuration files. As a consequence you need to restart the server each time you modify or change parameters in these files. Moving to a MySQL-based-configuration is a better solution to avoid this flip out. Instead of working on Configuration files, all records will be saved on a database and then easily updated and accessed via simple Mysql queries. Restartig the sever is no more required every time the congfigration is updated.
##Steps: To prepare the environment and install the missing packages on ubuntu, please follow the steps below
1/ Install mysql:
sudo apt-get install mysql-client mysql-server libmysqlclient-dev
2/ install openSSL
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev sudo apt-get install openssl
Environment configuration
3/ Restrict the MySQL daemon to localhost
cd /etc/mysql sudo vi my.cnf
4/ add this to the configuration file
5/ restart database server and apply changes
service mysqld restart
6/Create a database and proceed with the security process
mysql -u root -p create database zones;
7/install Bind9 package (source code)
8/ Download the latest version BIND/MySQL SDB driver from the official website (
9/ Extract both files
tar xzf bind-9.7.7.tar.gz tar xzf mysql-bind.tar.gz
10/Deploy the driver in the right directories
cp mysql-bind/mysqldb.c bind-9.7.7/bin/named/ cp mysql-bind/mysqldb.h bind-9.7.7/bin/named/include/
11/ editing the make file :
cd bind-9.7.7/bin/named/ vi
Make these changes:
DBDRIVER_OBJS = mysqldb.@O@ DBDRIVER_SRCS = mysqldb.c
12/In the latter file : check the message returned by this command (Hopefully it does return something if you really followed the steps above :p )
mysql_config --cflags
and copy/paste it in the file [DBDRIVER_INCLUDES = (Paste here)]
13/In the same file : check the message returned by this command
mysql_config --libs
and copy/paste it in the file [DBRIVER_LIBS = (Paste here)]
14/Add driver's include into Bind's code
sudo vi main.c
add this header #include "mysqldb.h"
also search for 'ns_server_create' and add mysqldb_init just before
mysqldb_init(); ns_server_create(ns_g_mctx, &ns_g_server);
also search for 'ns_server_destroy' and add mysqldb_clear just after
ns_server_destroy(&ns_g_server); mysqldb_clear();
15/Change include Statement in the same directory
vi mysqldb.c
change, #include <named/mysqldb.h> by #include "include/mysqldb.h"
16/Compile the customized version of Bind9 via the command line
./configure make clean make make install
17/ Create the configuration file and use the API to configure the server
sudo touch /etc/named.conf
PS: to launch the server after configuration use this command :
sudo /usr/local/sbin/named