Twilio boaty

The following app / code is deployed as a twillio beta service (serverless). This can the be used as an SMS service via devices such as the Garmin InReach. (Currently only via the Garmin InReach)...




Hello, there!


Infomation that was extracted from the inreach URL.

Extracted URL:, lat: 48.351141, lon: -4.546773 from the inreach URL


openweather commands require location to be provided. For the Garmin InReach this will be extracted from the provided URL if you enable location.

You can also provide coordinates manually that will overrride the Garmin InReach link to check other locations, or use other devices.

open weather <command> CORD: 48.35,-4.54

Aliases also exist for CORD. You can use CO or C.


Wind forcast for current location

Jul 21
12:09: 4.63N(20)
13:00: 4.15(4.72)NW(334)
14:00: 4.92(5.36)N(341)
15:00: 5.76(6.1)N(348)

Defaults to looking at hourly and daily forcasts, returning 6 entries (6 hours). You can specify a number of entries to return by adding a number to the end of the message, such as openweather wind 24 Once hourly forcasts have run out, daily forcasts will be used. You can also select to only have hourly or daily infomation with openweather wind day 5 or openweather wind hour 12


Sun and moon infomation (rise, set and moon phase)

For moon phase 0.5 indicates a full moon.

Jul 21:06:39>22:09,01:38>15:58(0.78)
Jul 22:06:40>22:08,01:57>17:08(0.81)
Jul 23:06:41>22:07,02:18>18:16(0.84)

You can request more days (up to 10) by adding a number to the command, such as openweather sun 8


Responds with current weather alerts from open weather.

No weather alerts for your area


METEO-FRANCE Jul 19 06:00 > Jul 20 06:00 Moderate thunderstorm warning.

You can also request long alerts (including full descriptions) using openweather alerts long

METEO-FRANCE Jul 19 06:00 > Jul 20 06:00 Moderate thunderstorm warning. Although rather usual in this region, locally or potentially dangerous phenomena are expected. (such as local winds, summer thunderstorms, rising streams or high waves)


The main entry point is index.js which imitates the behaviour of twilio with a primary function that is called, and a fallback on failure.

Thus the main application is in src/welcome.js with a simple fallback handler of src/fallback.js.

Mocking calls

Some commands then also make use of other services, such as, or Garmin InReach.

You can mock calls with some example data by passing BOATY_MOCK=1 before your command.

You can find mock data in the ./mock directory.

Coordniates can be provided as an argument to the command, or from a Garmin InReach link.

The InReach link already has mock data added for it. So use this for testing.

Using real calls

Currently the one service you would need to provide a key for is

You can provide the key to the application by copying context-example.json to context-private.json and entering the key there.


All commands can be run locally via the CLI.


node index.js hello
node index.js openweather alerts
node index.js openweather sun



This app is currently deployed to twilio by @addshore.

In order to deploy, simply copy the fallback.js and welcome.js file contents to their respective locations in the twilio UI.

Hit Save and then hit Deploy all.

You also need the OPENWEATHERMAP_KEY variable defined.