
The general idea of this repo is to allow some basic profiling of different settings using docker and possible Github actions?


  • Startup docker-compose with wikibase and mysql
  • Wait for it to be running
  • Run install & update
  • Start a timer
  • Do some amount of known work
  • Stop timer
  • Output result...
  • Send result to Google Sheet via IFTTT

Local profiling

You can also try running them locally... For example...

PROFILE_IMAGE=wikibase/wikibase:1.39.1-wmde.11 PROFILE_SETTINGS=default PROFILE_SQL=mariadb:10.9 docker-compose up -d mysql wikibase1
PROFILE_IMAGE=wikibase/wikibase:1.39.1-wmde.11 PROFILE_SETTINGS=default PROFILE_SQL=mariadb:10.9 docker-compose up -d wikibase2
PROFILE_IMAGE=wikibase/wikibase:1.39.1-wmde.11 PROFILE_SETTINGS=default PROFILE_SQL=mariadb:10.9 docker-compose up -d --force-recreate wikibase1
sleep 5
ASYNC=30 INSTANCES=2 ./loads/