This repository contains a simple Atlassian Crowd authentication script for nginx, written in Lua, for use with the access_by_lua_file directive.
This is used in production on Debian 7.2, running the latest dotdeb nginx packages. An attempt was made to use as much "off-the-shelf" packaging as possible. This script relies on the use of lua-Spore REST client/library.
- Install related packages for Lua and lua-Spore dependency:
aptitude install lua5.1 luarocks
luarocks install luasec
luarocks install lua-spore
- Copy the
to somewhere accessible by nginx: - Copy the
to somewhere accessible by nginx:
mkdir -p /etc/nginx/lua && cp crowd-auth.lua /etc/nginx/lua
Add a new application in Crowd, and test the connectivity with the users/groups you wish to authenticate with.
Modify the
, replacing<CROWD_APP_URL>
with the Crowd base url, the application name and the application password created in the previous step. -
Per restricted resource make sure to set the $cwd_requires_one_group_out_of variable. cwd_requires_one_group_out_of takes either a single entry or a comma separated list of groups. In case the authenticated user is in one of the set groups he is granted access.
Add a
directive in a nginx site stanza, similar to the following. The given example shows a nginx configuration deployed via cloud foundry with static build pack:
worker_processes 5;
daemon off;
error_log <%= ENV["APP_ROOT"] %>/nginx/logs/error.log;
events { worker_connections 1024; }
http {
log_format cloudfoundry '$http_x_forwarded_for - $http_referer - [$time_local] "$request" $status $body_bytes_sent $request_time';
access_log <%= ENV["APP_ROOT"] %>/nginx/logs/access.log cloudfoundry;
lua_package_path '<%= ENV["APP_ROOT"] %>/nginx-crowd-lua/?.lua;;';
default_type application/octet-stream;
include mime.types;
sendfile on;
gzip on;
tcp_nopush on;
keepalive_timeout 30;
proxy_cache_path <%= ENV["APP_ROOT"] %>/cache keys_zone=one:10m;
server {
server_name ''; # modify your server name to fit your needs
listen <%= ENV["PORT"] %>;
root <%= ENV["APP_ROOT"] %>/public;
set $cwd_crowd_url '<%= ENV["PORT"] %>'; # route all requests to crowd through the nginx cache
set $cwd_crowd_user '<%= ENV["CROWD_USER"] %>';
set $cwd_crowd_pwd '<%= ENV["CROWD_PWD"] %>';
# routes all crowd requests to crowd
location /rest/usermanagement/latest/ {
satisfy any;
allow; # only allow access for requests coming from localhost
deny all;
proxy_pass <%= ENV["CROWD_URL"] %>;
proxy_cache_key $http_advancedCacheKey$host$uri#is_args$args;
proxy_cache one;
proxy_cache_valid 200 5m; # cache any crowd related requests for users who were authenticated
proxy_cache_methods GET POST;
proxy_ignore_headers Cache-Control Expires;
proxy_ignore_headers Set-Cookie;
proxy_hide_header Set-Cookie;
location / {
# redirect all traffic to https
if ($http_x_forwarded_proto != "https") {
return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
index index.html index.htm Default.htm;
location /protected/ {
# redirect all traffic to https
if ($http_x_forwarded_proto != "https") {
return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
index index.html index.htm Default.htm;
set $cwd_authentication_realm '<%= ENV["AUTH_REALM"] %>';
set $cwd_requires_one_group_out_of 'hybris'; # single group name or comma separated list of group names. An authenticated user needs to be in one of the given groups only for successful authentication
set $cwd_user 'unknown';
set $cwd_group 'unknown';
set $cwd_email '';
access_by_lua_file <%= ENV["APP_ROOT"] %>/nginx-crowd-lua/crowd-auth.lua;
While untried, modifying this script for use authenticating against Atlassian JIRA (or other app) should be fairly straight forward, as JIRA's REST API is very similar (if not identical) to Crowd's. Should you do that, please email me and/or provide a pull request and I will gladly integrate the changes within this repository.
Similarly, should you find this useful in negotiating authentication against any other apps, please let me know via email, and/or provide a pull request, so that fellow devops teams do not need to continously reinvent the wheel ;).