
A MERN stack eCommerce application

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A MERN (MongoDB, Express, React and Node) stack eCommerce application. Checkout the application at py-commerce.herokuapp.com


Home page


  • Login and Register with OTP
  • Profile management (view and edit profile information including shipping address(es))
  • Cart management (view, add and delete items in/to cart)
  • Order management (Checkout from cart page, place an order and view orders)
  • Favorites (view, add and delete items in/to favorites)
  • Search for products
  • Common 404 page with a cute doggo


  • Firebase:
    • Create a Firebase Account
    • Add project with Phone Authentication
    • Copy the configuration (settings → project settings → SDK setup → npm)
  • Atlas (MongoDB):
    • Create an Atlas Account
    • Choose free tier plan and create a shared cluster.
    • Copy of Host with username and password.

Local Set-up

  • Add firebase and mongoDB configuration (copied above) to a .env file. Refer to .env.example for the the content of .env (to initialize Firebase at client/src/adapters/firebase.js and mongoose at config/db-connection.js)
  • Start Server: npm install && npm run start
  • Start Client: cd client & npm install && npm run start

Heroku Set-up

  • Install Heroku CLI
  • Login and Create a project: heroku login and heroku create <unique-project-name>
  • Add remote: heroku git:remote -a py-commerce
  • Add firebase and atlas (mongoDB) env variables: Project → Settings → Config Vars
  • Deploy: git mush heroku master

Image Sizes

  • Category Icon: 128 x 128
  • Banner (Top Slider): 1000 x 165
  • Ad Banner: 1000 x 85
  • Product: 500 x 540
  • Featured Brands: 1000 x 540
  • Poster Slider: 1000 x 615