#AddyOS (https://github.com/addy2342/AddyOS)
Using Altera DE-2 board with Nios II
For the class OS2
- Flash the Nios II cpu onto the board
- Create a project withthe Altera Monitor Program
- Add *.c files to the project
- Dowanload to the board, run and profit
#Todo List / Status:
- Process with Management and Semaphores
- Memory Management
- Application
- Everything
- Send / Receive
- Structure
- Init
- Create
- Write
- Reading
- Testing/Fixing
- Semaphores
- Structure
- Init
- Signal
- Wait
- Shared Mem
- Structure
- Create
- Testing/Fixing
- Run
- Testing/Fixing
- Suspend
- Terminate
- Synchronization
- Signal
- Wait
- Suspend
##Scheduler (Preemptive)
- Structure
- Context Switching
- Types
- random
- RoundRobin
##Memory Management
- malloc
- free
- fragmentation (first, best, or worst fit)
- Virtual Addressing
- paging
##I/O Devises
- Interrupts
- Keyboard
##Application on the OS
- self-test (run_self_test)(LOG, FIFO, SEM)(work in progress)
- blinkenlights
- Booting
- Testing by other Applications from Course Members (Mix and Match)
- LOG write to LCD, LED, 7Seg (todo: VGA)
- avoid librarys
- Random: LFSR to get rid of the use of math.h
- from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_feedback_shift_register