
Web-service to display captions from uploaded images

Primary LanguagePython


  • create installation directory at /opt/captionator
  • create a virtual env
cd /opt/captionator/
python3 -m virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install .
  • start with /opt/captionator/venv/bin/captionator

Starting the Service

  • You'll need a SQL compatible server
    • create a captionator user in the mysql db
    • cp sample.ini to captionator.ini
    • update captionator.ini to reference correct db server
  • You'll need a local service user on your host machine
    useradd -M captionator
    usermod -L captionator
    chmod -R captionator:captionator /opt/captionator
  • In order to use the google apis, you'll need google developer keys in /opt/captionator/keys/*.json see cloud platform
  • Link the Service file into systemd and reload systemd
    ln -s /opt/captionator/captionator.service\
    systemctl daemon-reload