
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



This repository includes several parametrized CI workflows to be used for both kubernetes and machine charms.


To use the workflows in your repository, just reuse them including the secrets: inherit key. Examples of usage for every workflow can be found at the indico operator. Note that you will need a CHARMHUB_TOKEN among your repository secrets to be able to run the workflows that interact with charmhub.

The following workflows are available:

  • test: executes the default tox targets defined in the tox.ini file and generates a plain text report. This requires the lint, unit, static and coverage-report tox environments to be included in the tox defaults. The following parameters are available for this workflow:
Name Type Default Description
charm-directory string Null The working directory for the charm under working-directory. docs directory, if existing, should be under this directory
pre-run-script string "" Path to the bash script to be run before the integration tests
self-hosted-runner bool true Whether self-hosted-runner should be enabled
self-hosted-runner-label string large Label used to select the self-hosted runner if enabled
working-directory string "./" Directory where jobs should be executed
  • comment: Posts the content of the artifact specified as a comment in a PR. It needs to be triggered from a PR triggered workflow.

  • integration_test: Builds the existing Dockerfiles, if any, and executes the integration test target defined in the tox.ini file. The tox environment used can be changed with the test-tox-env input. The following parameters are available for this workflow:

Name Type Default Description
channel string latest/stable Actions operator provider as defined here
charmcraft-channel string latest/stable Charmcraft channel to use for the integration test
charmcraft-ref string "" Used in conjunction with charmcraft-repository to pull and build charmcraft from source instead of using snapstore version.
charmcraft-repository string "" Pull and build charmcraft from source instead of using snapstore version (this means that the charmcraft-channel input will be ignored).
extra-arguments string "" Additional arguments to pass to the integration test execution
extra-test-matrix string '{}' Additional test matrices to run the integration test combinations
image-build-args string "" List of build args to pass to the build image job
juju-channel string 2.9/stable Actions operator provider as defined here
load-test-enabled bool false Whether load testing is enabled. If enabled, k6 will expect a load_tests/load-test.js file with the tests to run.
load-test-run-args string "" Command line arguments for the load test execution.
microk8s-addons string "dns ingress rbac storage" Microk8s provider add-ons override. A minimum set of addons (the defaults) must be enabled.
modules string '[""]' List of modules to run in parallel in JSON format, i.e. '["foo", "bar"]'. Each element will be passed to pytest through tox as -k argument
pre-run-script string "" Path to the bash script to be run before the integration tests
provider string microk8s Actions operator provider as defined here
rockcraft-channel string latest/stable Rockcraft channel to use for the integration test
rockcraft-ref string "" Used in conjunction with rockcraft-repository to pull and build rockcraft from source instead of using snapstore version.
rockcraft-repository string "" Pull and build rockcraft from source instead of using snapstore version (this means that the rockcraft-channel input will be ignored).
self-hosted-runner-label string large Label to filter the self-hosted runner, if the self-hosted runners are used.
self-hosted-runner bool false Whether to use self-hosted runner for tests.
series string '[""]' List of series to run the tests in JSON format, i.e. '["jammy", "focal"]'. Each element will be passed to pytest through tox as --series argument
setup-devstack-swift bool false Use setup-devstack-swift action to prepare a swift server for testing.
test-timeout number 360 The timeout in minutes for the integration test
test-tox-env string "integration" The tox environment name for the integration test.
tmate-debug bool false Enable tmate debugging after integration test failure.
tmate-timeout number 30 Timeout in minutes to keep tmate debugging session.
trivy-fs-config string "" Trivy YAML configuration for fs type
trivy-fs-enabled boolean false Whether Trivy testing of type fs is enabled
trivy-fs-ref string "." Target directory to do the Trivy testing
trivy-image-config string "" Trivy YAML configuration for image type
working-directory string "./" Custom working directory for jobs to run on
zap-auth-header string "" If this is defined then its value will be added as a header to all of the ZAP requests
zap-auth-header-value string "" If this is defined then its value will be used as the header name to all of the ZAP requests
zap-before-command string "" Command to run before ZAP testing
zap-cmd-options string "-T 60" Options to be used by ZAP. Default sets maximum scanning time to 60 minutes
zap-enabled boolean false Whether ZAP testing is enabled
zap-rules-file-name string "" Rules file to ignore any alerts from the ZAP scan
zap-target string "" If this is not set, the unit IP address will be used as ZAP target
zap-target-port string 80 ZAP target port
zap-target-protocol string "http" ZAP target protocol

More information about OWASP ZAP testing can be found here.

More information about Trivy testing can be found here.

The following secrets are available for this workflow:

Name Description
INTEGRATION_TEST_ARGS Additional arguments to pass to the integration test execution that contain secrets

When running the integration tests, the following posargs will be automatically passed to the integration target:

  • --charm-file [charm_file_name]: The name of the charm artifact generated prior to the integration tests run
  • --series [series]: As defined in the series configuration described option above
  • -k [module]: As defined in the modules configuration option described above
  • --keep-models
  • --model testing: Only for tests running on a microk8s substrate
  • One parameter per resource defined in the metadata.yaml of the charm, containing a reference to the built image

For instance, for pytest you can leverage this by adding a conftest.py file

def pytest_addoption(parser):
    """Add test arguments."""
    parser.addoption("--charm-file", action="store")

and then use the argument value

charm = pytestconfig.getoption("--charm-file")

tmate can be run on failed tests either by setting the tmate-debug input to 'true' or by re-running a job with the "Enable debug logging" checkbox checked.

  • publish_charm: Publishes the charm and its resources to appropriate channel, as defined here.

This workflow requires a CHARMHUB_TOKEN secret containing a charmhub token with package-manage and package-view permissions for the charm and the destination channel. See how to generate it here and a REPO_ACCESS_TOKEN secret containg a classic PAT with full repository permissions. See how to generate it here.

The following parameters are available for this workflow:

Name Type Default Description
channel string latest/edge Destination channel to push the charm to
charm-directory string Null The working directory for the charm under working-directory. docs directory, if existing, should be under this directory
charmcraft-channel string latest/stable Charmcraft channel to use for the integration test
paas-app-charmer-oci-name string Null Name of the resource oci image for paas-app-charmer generated apps
working-directory string "./" Directory where jobs should be executed

The runner image will be set to the value of bases[0].build-on[0] in the charmcraft.yaml file, defaulting to ubuntu-22.04 if the file does not exist.

  • promote_charm: Promotes a charm from the selected origin channel to the selected target channel.

This workflow requires a CHARMHUB_TOKEN secret containing a charmhub token with package-manage and package-view permissions for the charm and the origin and destination channels. See how to generate it here.

The following parameters are available for this workflow:

Name Type Default Description
base-architecture string amd64 Charm architecture
charm-directory string Null The working directory the charm under working-directory. docs directory, if existing, should be under this directory
destination-channel string "" Destination channel
doc-automation-disabled boolean true Whether the documentation automation is disabled
origin-channel string "" Origin channel
working-directory string "./" The working directory for the job

The runner image will be set to the value of bases[0].build-on[0] in the charmcraft.yaml file, defaulting to ubuntu-22.04 if the file does not exist.

  • auto_update_charm_libs: Checks if updates to the charm libraries are available and, of necessary, opens a pull request to update them.

This workflow requires pull_request and content write permissions and a CHARMHUB_TOKEN secret containing a charmhub token. See how to generate it here.

bot_pr_approval: Automatically provides 1 approval for PRs generated by bots.