
:metal: Minimal Boilerplate for Redux + React + React-Router-Redux and Foundation

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React-Redux-Foundation Boilerplate

Minimal Boilerplate for Redux + React + React-Router-Redux and Foundation


npm i
npm start

Open localhost:3000

Use CTRL + H to toggle the Redux Dock Monitor

What's in it?

Everything what you need to build an awesome Single Page Application:


  • responsive menu with a subnav
  • button to create a callout (formerly known as as alert)
  • 3 routes
  • / Dashboard
  • /table just a scrollable foundation table
  • /* 404 Catching Page
  • each container which is mapped to a route is wrapped by the App container
  • App loads all important things in a clean way and the proper scope:
    • Font Awesome
    • jQuery
    • what-input
    • Foundation Styles and JavaScript