
"role=main should only appear on significant elements"

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Hey Team!

I just ran the a11y audit for a project I'm working on and got the following failure:
X role=main should only appear on significant elements

I have defined role=main only on my <main></main> element, which as far as I am aware is a fine practice to do.

After a little googling I found the following:!topic/introduction-to-web-accessibility/ChGzBSe0_yU but after following the fix (updating my accessibility developer tools) nothing changed unfortunately.

Any idea what the problem might be?

I think the issue may be a false positive with the accessibility-developer-tools. If you're experiencing the same issue when running them directly (, please file a bug there and we can explore getting it fixed upstream.

Thanks a lot @addyosmani 👍