- 23
Cannot find module 'chalk'
#13 opened by varjmes - 1
Plans to use puppeteer?
#77 opened by hemanth - 0
#81 opened by exside - 0
- 0
online tool not working anymore
#79 opened by DanielRuf - 3
- 0
support for sitemap
#74 opened by DanielRuf - 1
Network timeout on resource
#73 opened by ashresh - 0
run checks against index.slim ?
#70 opened by shyukri - 9
PhantomJS Issues
#58 opened by maureeno20 - 0
- 0
Promisify the code base and API
#66 opened by sindresorhus - 6
Author Grunt task for the module
#10 opened by addyosmani - 2
Add link to gulp-a11y
#62 opened by michaelmior - 0
Add --quiet option for error-only output
#64 opened by paulcpederson - 0
Feature Request : ADT configuration
#61 opened by tonai - 1
An error is displayed 'C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command
#60 opened by jatinsi - 0
Break the build for html fragments in gulp
#56 opened by doug-wade - 1
option for evaluating html fragments
#50 opened by vegitron - 1
False positives on custom elements that do not appear with the Chrome extension
#53 opened by patrickarlt - 2
- 6
Not working for me on static local files.
#39 opened by constellates - 2
Configure number of elements per rule
#40 opened by kennyw12 - 2
Show total number of elements violating a rule
#41 opened by kennyw12 - 2
- 4
Audit skips over React components/Phantom JS woes
#44 opened by gpleiss - 3
Fix breaking test in master
#45 opened by addyosmani - 3
contrast of some text insufficient
#34 opened by stevefaulkner - 10
Author Gulp task for the module
#11 opened by addyosmani - 11
Improve auditing for webapps
#26 opened by addyosmani - 5
Disable PhantomJS Redirects
#38 opened by RobLoach - 3
- 3
What is the difference between a11y and pa11y
#28 opened by koenpunt - 1
new audit button
#32 opened by stevefaulkner - 0
- 1
- 5
a11y as a service
#23 opened by koenpunt - 0
Support setting a custom timeout?
#24 opened by addyosmani - 2
- 4
- 1
Author unit tests
#7 opened by addyosmani - 2
Support auditing files on localhost
#6 opened by addyosmani - 0
- 0
Team feedback
#1 opened by addyosmani