A YouTube Jukebox element built with Polymer.js.
- Run
git clone https://github.com/addyosmani/yt-jukebox.git
cd yt-jukebox
- Install our tooling dependencies with npm and bower by running
npm install && bower install
You can now preview the application by running grunt server
Include the element after referencing <link rel="import" href="polymer.html">
in your page:
Attributes supported:
- the maximum number of results to displaymuted
- whether the video player should be mutedindex
- the tab to display
- This is a Polymer port of JukeTube - an AngularJS app.
- This application is not yet ready for production use
- It does not use the newer Bower setup for Polymer elements (yet)
- It has only been tested in Chromium edge builds / Canary
- It uses custom versions of elements found in polymer-elements
- A tutorial based on a newer version of this app is currently planned
- yt-jukebox
- yt-input
- yt-search
- yt-video
- yt-jukebox-ratings (polymer-ui-ratings)
- yt-jukebox-tabs (polymer-ui-tabs)
- yt-jukebox-selector (polymer-selector)
When you attend parties, YouTube is often used as the sole music provider. People in turn launch the video they want to hear. The process goes as follows:
- open a new tab
- browse to YouTube
- search for a video
- open and instantly pause it (to preload it)
- wait for the current video to stop
- launch the new video
Several problems arise from this process:
- need to wait for the current video to stop before launching a new one
- need to permanently have someone queuing and launching a new video
- no automatic play, so if the current video ends, there's no music
- time spent queuing a new video
- tons of tabs opened
JukeTube is an attempt to simplify this scenario.
- Single page app
- Ajax search
- Playlists (upcoming and archived videos)
- Automatic play (as soon as the current video ends)
MIT © Addy Osmani