bona fide adjective
authentic, genuine, real, true, actual, sterling, sound, legal, legitimate, lawful, valid
Bonafide is a tiny validation library for hashmap like objects in clojure.
Bonafide doesn't provide any predefined validations but rather allows you to build composable validations of your own.
Let's say we wanted to implement a validation for checking whether a certain value is present. Using bonafide
we can do the following:
(defn validate-present [attr & {:as options}]
(let [
defaults {:message "Cannot be blank"}
condition (fn [content options]
(not (clojure.string/blank? content)))
(build-validation attr options defaults condition)
and then use our validation to validate a hashmap:
(def validate (validate-present :name))
(validate {:name ""})
{:email "" :errors {:name "Cannot be blank"}}
We can also compose validations to check the presence of several keys:
(def validate (comp
(validate-present :name)
(validate-present :email)))
(validate {:email "" :name ""})
{:email "" :errors {:email "Cannot be blank" :name "Cannot be blank"}}
Check out the tests for some more examples.
You will need Leiningen 1.7.0 or above installed.
Copyright © 2014 Adam Groves
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.