
Ajax pagination plugin for Shopify themes inspired by Ajaxinate

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Ajax pagination plugin for Shopify themes inspired by Ajaxinate

Manual installation

  1. Add .dist/infiniteScrollManager.min.js to the assets folder of your shopify theme, or add it to your vendor files if you are using Slate or a similar method.

  2. Add the infiniteScrollManager.min.js script src tag before the closing body tag, or defer its loading:

<script src="{{ 'infinite-scroll-manager.js' | asset_url }}" defer="defer"></script>
  1. Setup your collection template. For example having previous and next infinite scroll:
<div id="CollectionProductGrid">
	{%- paginate collection.products by section.settings.products_per_page -%}

		{% if paginate.previous %}
		<div id="scrollPaginationPrevious" style="visibility:hidden;">
		<a href="{{ paginate.previous.url }}">Loading More</a>
		{% endif %}

		<div id="scrollContainer">
			<ul id="main-collection-product-grid">
			{%- for product in collection.products -%}
				<li class="grid__item">
				{% render 'product-card', product: product %}
			{%- endfor -%}

		{% if paginate.next %}
		<div id="scrollPaginationNext" style="visibility:hidden;">
			<a href="{{ paginate.next.url }}">Loading More</a>
		{% endif %}

	{%- endpaginate -%}
  1. Initialize it in your script file, or inline:
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
	const scrollConfig = {
		margin: 0.3,
		pageTitle: 'Página {pageNum}',
		debug: true,

	window.infiniteScrollManager = new InfiniteScrollManager(scrollConfig);
  1. Configure your settings as desired.

Configuration Settings

All settings are optional. You aren't forced to pass a config object to the constructor. Nevertheless, you have multiple settings you can tweak.

Param Type Description Default
container string? CSS selector for the container where data will be displayed and added after loads. '#scrollContainer'
paginationPrevious string? CSS selector for the pagination element with the previous page URL. '#scrollPaginationPrevious'
paginationNext string? CSS selector for the pagination element with the next page URL. '#scrollPaginationNext'
threshold number? From 0 to 1. A value of 0.0 means that even a single visible pixel counts as the target being visible. 1.0 means that the entire target element is visible. 0
enableHtml5History boolean? Push or not each page to the browser's history API. true
pageQueryParamName string? Query parameter name used for specifying current page. 'page'
margin number? From 0 (0%) to 1 (100%) the margin used to identify intersections with pagination elements. 0.3
debug boolean? If true, it will print out each function call with the current page value. false
pageTitle string? Title displayed above each page content. Use '{pageNum}' to insert the page number. 'Page {pageNum}'


There are 2 events that will trigger while using infiniteScrollManager.

Event Description
infinitescroll:load This event will trigger after every new pagination load.
infinitescroll:end This event trigger by the pagination element that has no more pages left to paginate.

You can add event listeners using normal JS or using the functions provided in the library:

// Add an event lister to every page load
window.infiniteScrollManager.addLoadEventListener((e) => {

// Add an event lister when there are no more previous pages left to load.
window.infiniteScrollManager.addPreviousPageScrollEndEventListener((e) =>{

// Add an event lister when there are no more subsequent pages left to load.
window.infiniteScrollManager.addNextPageScrollEndEventListener((e) =>{