
Hi, you'll find the source codes of the BCG take home test here. This repo combines the DDD pattern and functional programming. This pattern made by me as the result of my experience in golang in professional work and side-projects.

|-- bcg-test
    |-- domains
        |-- inventory
        |-- promotion
    |-- configs
    |-- migrations
    |-- entities
    |-- handler
    |-- pkg
    |-- repositories

Entities folder is where the business logic are.

How to Run


Run go mod vendor to download everything to vendor folder

Setup DB

Run every query on migrations folder

Unit test

This repo has 3 unit test, for test scenario it is at domains/inventories/inventory_test function calculateFinalPrice. But, take a look at promotion_test.go I have something cool right there, full unit test for each scenario.


My time is running out, I need to do something urgent. So, my plan was to add graphql server on main.go and call function on handler then the handler will call the inventory domain

What I miss in this Repo

  • Validating stock on query
  • GraphQL
  • I have 3 TODO, 2 of them is because of the limitation of the test case. (search TODO)