Welcome to the Nigeria Open Source Software (OSS) Survey 2023!

We're delighted to invite you to be part of our research survey. Our study seeks to understand the extent to which Nigerian software developers contribute to publicly accessible open-source software. As a contributor in the field of software development, your participation is crucial to this study's success. We aim to gather diverse insights from developers across Nigeria, helping to paint a comprehensive picture of the OSS landscape in our country.

The information we hope to gather from this survey includes:
• Your general experience with OSS.
• Your level of contribution to OSS.
• Factors that motivate your contributions.
• Regional and ethnic distributions of OSS contributors.
• The relationship between age, years of experience, and OSS contribution.

Rest assured, your participation is anonymous and the information collected will be strictly confidential and only used for academic purpose.

Please follow the link to the survey form: https://forms.gle/NtSzZ5gNBb9LzWGCA

Thank you in advance for your time and your invaluable contribution to this study. Your insights will significantly help shape our understanding of OSS in Nigeria. For any questions or additional information, please feel free to contact us.

Together, let's make OSS better in Nigeria.

Adebowale Akinola