- macOS (OS X) using terminal-notifier.
- Generic System which implements GNOME Desktop Notifications and has notify-send binary.
- Other system which implements notify-send binary/script.
Below are ways to configure when or if this plugin should notify.
/set notify_priv <level>
/set notify_chan <level>
where notify_priv are private messages
where notify_chan are highlight messages in a channel
where <level> is one of:
never - never notify for these events
active - never notify for these events if the channel/user is the active window
always - anytime highlighed or private message, active window or not
The Following binaries should be findable in your $PATH.
Get with homebrew.
brew install terminal-notifier
The Following binaries should be findable in your $PATH.
Get with your package manager, likely under some libnotify, notify-osd, package.