usage: ./ [-c config] [-o logfile] [-t]
-t --timestamp Timestamp logs using iso-8601.
-c --config=file A neo8ball
-o --log-out=file A file to log to instead of stdout.
-h --help This message.
If no configuration path is found or CONFIG_PATH is not set,
ircbot will assume the configuration is in the same directory
as the script.
For testing, you can set MOCK_CONN_TEST=<anything>
Edit the file and save it where you deem appropriate. Make sure to use the -c or --config flag if you don't leave the configuration in the default location--same directory as the script.
Many of the plugins which come with neo8ball require API keys or variable information. describes these variables for all the built-in plugins
Description=neo8ball irc bot
ExecStart=/bin/bash /home/bots/src/neo8ball-irc/
ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP \$MAINPID
neo8ball by default only responds to CTCP VERSION messages. To make the bot do anything else, you must develop your own plugins.
Below is a guide which explains how your plugins can communicate with neo8ball.
Plugins receive a series of arguments which you can parse as "--key=value" pairs.
--key= was chosen because it is a long option, but it is easy to parse without using a temporary variable as some kind of flag slot or a library argument parser.
This breaks the old way this worked, which used specific positions with semantic meaning. For instance. --reply=#chan
replaces the meaning of argv[1]
Plugins currently receive the following arguments:
--reply='#channel or nickname'
This where the message originated, unless it is a private message, then it is the nickname of the sender.--host='the @ part in a prefix'
this is the sender's host.--nick=nickname_of_sender
this is the sender's nick.--cmode=[qaohv]
a single letter representing the highest mode the sending user has.--message='full user message'
the message.
Depending if the command was invoked as a command, e.g. .some_command
, or as a regexp match depends what the remaining arguments are.
the name of the command that invoked this plugin, stripped from--message
the regexp that matched the--message
the text matched by the regexp in--message
for arg; do
case "$arg" in
--myflag=*) myflag="${arg#*=}" ;;
# ...etc
args = {}
for arg in argv[1:]:
values = arg.split('=', maxsplit=1)
# I might add boolean flags later.
if len(values) == 2:
args[values[0]] = values[1]
q = args.get('--message', '') # do something
Plugins communicate with neo8ball through stdout. Plugins can write to stderr for logging, however it is recommended that they use the log command instead. Plugins must print out a command string using the below syntax:
:j #chan - Join a channel.
:j #chan,#.. - Join multiple channels.
:l #chan - Leave a channel.
:l #chan,#.. - Leave multiple channels.
:m #chan message - Send message to channel or user.
:mn #chan message - Send notice to channel or user.
:n new_nick - Change nick (might be removed).
:l[ewid] log_msg - Send a string to the (e)rror|(w)arn|(i)nfo|(d)ebug log.
:r message - Replies to the channel where the message came from.
:raw raw irc msg - Send raw irc command; e.g. ':raw PRIVMSG #chan :hi'
All commands start with a colon (:), the command letter(s) and the arguments. All the commands that take multi-space arguments already have the colon appended to the front of them, except for raw commands.
So do not do something like:
:m #chan :this is a multi-space message.
Just do:
:m #chan this is a multi-space message.
Note that there can only be one space between arguments. Any more will be interpreted as part of the argument. e.g.
:m #channel leading spaces will be output to irc.
State, and mutexes are ultimately the plugin's responsibility;
only a temporary path and environment variables are provided by neo8ball to plugins.
The environment variable, PLUGIN_TEMP
, will be populated with the temporary directory.
A plugin can use this path to store temporary state.
This directory is removed when neo8ball stops.
Configurations, such as API keys, can be provided as exported environment variables.
Simply add a line like: export PLUGIN_VARIABLE_NAME=value