{done PHASE 1

  1. Create a location in the web where people can post comments/texts with a maximum number of characters
  2. While writing the comment, every character (letter or symbol) will be link to a sound (the sound duration will be less than 3seconds). The sound will be reproduce when the character is written. a. It is important that the link is between character and sound, not between keyboard position and sound (every language have different character position in keyboard). b. The time response (delay) for the sound has to be less than 8 milliseconds when typing the character. The time response has to be similar to any browser (preferences: Safari and Chrome) c. We will provide the sounds to use. d. It is important, that we (owners of the web function and web) can change the sounds, so the access to do that changing should be relatively simple for us. done}

{todo bug1:.There is a delay when charging the page, so we can find something out in the near future to avoid people write until the web is ready to respond. bug2: when you mantain a letter pushed, it repeat the sounds, it is better to avoid that, so if you mantain it pressed it does not repeat, it only writes once.


1)The sound produce while writing the comment will be record, and the same way you can see the written comment when uploaded, there will be also access to a button next to it , to listen to the sounds produced while writing the comment (with the same type rhythm the visitor used when writing it).

2)It starts recording the sound when the visitor access to the placeholder. There has to be a maximum time to write the comment which will be around 40 seconds (to avoid heavy files of recording).

3)There will be no option of deleting characters while writing the comment, but there will be an option of RESTART, so the visitor can start to write again so the recording also start again (the previous one is deleted)

4)Only place for 300 comments, when uploading comment 301, the oldest one will be delete, so only the newest will be saved and shown in the web.

5)There will be a way for the visitor, to put his name next to his comment comment todo}