Prevalid - MYSQL

This repository shows how to setup Liquibase pipeline with script validation for MySQL database.

Instead of running liquibase update against your target database, you would replace it with a flow file: liquibase flow --flow-file=flowfiles/liquibase.flowfile-wprevalidate.yaml

A number of environment variables are needed to be setup, as shown in script.

Environment variables

Following variables needed to set before running

CLONED_PORT             # e.g., 3366
CLONED_DB               # e.g., DEV_1
CLONED_URL              # e.g., jdbc:mysql://localhost:${CLONED_PORT}/${CLONED_DB}
LB_ENVIRONMENT          # e.g., DEV
SECONDS_TO_WAIT         # e.g., 10

LIQUIBASE_COMMAND_URL   # e.g., jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/DEV

Flow files

Following flow files are provided:

Supporting scripts

There are two support shell scripts provided:

  • This script invokes liquibase status and stores number of pending changes in the PENDING_CHANGES environment variable.
  • This is the overall orchestration script, aka, the entrypoint for running prevalidation.


Here are some docker commands that are used in clone-setup.yaml and clone-cleanup.yaml to perform various operations such as start a MySQL clone database, take a backup of MySQL database, perform a restore of MySQL database.

Setup TARGET database

If your target database (where changes are intended to be deployed post-validation) is needed to be setup in a docker container, use these commands to spin up a MySQL container with DEV database:

docker run -p 3306:3306 --name mysqldb -v ${PWD}/BASE:/BASE -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password -d mysql

docker exec -i mysqldb mysql --user=root --password=password -e "use sys; create database DEV;"

Setup CLONED database

Use these docker commands to start a MySQL clone database. The only difference between this and the earlier commands (above) is the name given to the docker container: mysqldb_cloned.

docker run -p 3366:3306 --name mysqldb_cloned -v ${PWD}/BASE:/BASE -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password -d mysql
# wait for the MySQL container to be setup
docker exec -i mysqldb_cloned mysql --user=root --password=password -e "use sys; create database DEV;"

Take MySQL backup of TARGET database

Command to take a backup of the target database:

docker exec -it mysqldb /bin/bash -c "mysqldump --password=password DEV > BASE/DEV_backup.sql"

Build MySQL CLONED database from the backup

Command to restore/import MySQL:

docker exec -i mysqldb_cloned /bin/bash -c "mysql --user=root --password=password DEV < BASE/DEV_backup.sql"

Destroy MySQL CLONED database

Command to destroy cloned DB:

docker rm -f mysqldb_cloned

Liquibase Pro features in use