Generates a visualization of binary classifier performance as a grid of diagonstic plots with just one function call
- 0
Error: more than 2 unique values: 1
#20 opened by MotivaoCrypto - 5
Missing curve in roc_plot
#19 opened by humburg - 12
classifierplots function breaks
#17 opened by talegari - 1
Do Not Use this out of date software
#16 opened by mccurcio - 1
- 1
Step artefact in ROC curve with sparse scores
#13 opened by HuwCampbell - 1
Grobs don't render in Rmarkdown
#12 opened by NBRAYKO - 1
Functions to return classifier metrics
#11 opened by MilesMcBain - 1
Possible incompatibility of packages
#9 opened by rwarnung - 3
ci, ci.branches scripts don't work
#2 opened by glasnt