
An app that allows interaction between Github users. Designed using Go

Primary LanguageGo

Welcome to Github User Chatroom

Creating a Github Chat for user and Private Chat room among users using Golang. This app basically allow users to interact between themselves.

How to setup project and run locally

Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/adefemi171/ cd into `` then cd into chat and run `go build -o githubuserChat`

Top-level directory layout

        ┣ 📜client.go
        ┣ 📜githubuserChat(Built file)
        ┣ 📜main.go
        ┗ 📜room.go
        ┗ 📜test.html
        ┣ 📜tracer.go
        ┗ 📜tracer_test.go
    ┣ 📜README.md

Test Driven Development Approach was used

Code for Unit test and Red/Green test can be found in 📦trace subdirectory

Running Trace

Uncomment r.tracer = trace.New(os.Stdout) in main.go under the 📦chat subdirectory and also comment tracer: trace.Off(), in room.go under the 📦chat subdirectory and run go build -o githubuserChat and then run ./githubuserChat, watch your terminal to see the output of the trace information

NOTE: githubuserChat is just the output name it could be changed to any name of your choice