
Using CubeJS and Vue to create a line Chart for Covid-19 for USA

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Covid-19 Line Chart USing CubeJS and VueJs

App Details

....... ................................................ ................................

The app will consist of:

└──Backend Folder      

Proposed Stack

JavaScript(CubeJS and VueJS)

Top-level directory layout

    ┗ 📦schema
        ┣ 📜CovidTimeseries.js
        ┣ 📜Orders.js
    ┣ 📜index.js
    ┣ 📜.env.example
    ┣ 📜.gitignore
    ┣ 📜package.json
    ┣ 📜package-lock.json
    ┣ 📜README.md

How to setup project and run locally

Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/adefemi171/covid-19-chart.git

Install all dependencies

Using npm

npm install

To start the App and run locally

npm start