Technical Assignments

The goal of this assignment is to evaluate your ability to work with Terraform and AWS services. We expect that a developer with some experience should be able to solve this within one to two hours.

Please commit your results to GitHub and send us the URL to your repository, so we can review your work before the interview.

There are two assignments, one with focus on Terraform and one with focus on Cloudformation. So, we expect you to check in Terraform and Cloudformation template files. If you use additional helper frameworks to create the output files, please also check in the code you've written for these frameworks as well.

You'll find the two parts in the folders:

  • terraform
  • cloudformation

We've put together instructions in the files in the two directories. All instructions have been tested on Ubuntu Linux. You are free to use other operating system as long as the checked in code can still be tested on Linux.

Have fun!