
Primary LanguagePython


Machinery to produce datacards and run limits

To convert input files to combine-friendly format:

python collectHistos.py -i inputFolfer/ -o histos.root

The script will retrieve the year from the histos names. In order to merge 2016 and 2017 root file, do:

hadd histosFile.root histos2016.root histos2017.root

This file will be given as input to createDatacards.py script to create a set of datacrds, for each region and for the combination

python createDatacards.py -i histosFile.root -d outdir -m mode (hist or template) -c channels (list of regions, or all for including all of them) -u (to unblind)

To run all limits together in local:

python runCombine.py -c channel -y year -m method -d outdir

To run all limits on the batch queques:

python batchLimits.py -c channel -y year -m method -d outdir

python getLimitData.py -y 2016 -d limitsRun2_v2/ -m template

python brazilPlot.py -y year -m template