
A project that helps manage and organize events across campuses. A project similar to Eventbrite and Meetup.

Primary LanguagePHP

Campus Event Scheduler API

Application Description

This is a simple API built to enable event planners and organizers plan ahead for their event and it also allows event attendants register for events they will be attending.


Below are the features of my Campus Event Scheduler app

Organizers(user) can create event
Organizers(user) can delete event
Users can register to attend an event
Users can unregister from attedning an event

Technologies used

Modern PHP technologies were adopted for this project

Laravel: Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We’ve already laid the foundation — freeing you to create without sweating the small things. Visit here for more information.


git clone https://github.com/samson1998/campus-event-scheduler-API.git

cd file

composer install

cp .env.example .env

php artisan key:generate

php -S -t public/

API Routes

POST /api/v1/users Creates a user
POST /api/v1/login Login a user
POST /api/v1/users Creates a user
PATCH /api/v1/users Update a user
POST /api/v1/meeting Creates a meeting
POST /api/v1/registration Register for a meeting
GET /api/v1/users View all users
GET /api/v1/users/{id} View a particular user
GET /api/v1/meeting/{id} View a particular meeting
PATCH /api/v1/users Update a user
DELETE /api/v1/meeting/{id} Delete a particular meeting
DELETE /api/v1/registration/{id} Unregister from a particular meeting