
Middleman Accelerated Mobile Pages boilerplate

Primary LanguageRuby

Middleman AMP Boilerplate

Using Middleman and AMP Project.

Accelerated Mobile Pages project in short

  • Targeted towards online publishing, but is suitable for any web content
    • instant loading with pre-loading (actually pre-loading only the ATF content)
    • AMP pages are cached by Google
  • An AMP page contains a script that handles the page load
  • self-validates and outputs to console (append #development=1 to URL for debugging)
  • Carousels, lightboxes, YT videos, tweets, etc. - are all AMP extensions (e.g. <amp-youtube>), a special script has to be included for each
    • AMP creates a box that is filled with content when the extension loads
    • e.g. <img> element has to become <amp-img>, so AMP can decide what loads when - ATF content is prioritized
      • it has to have width and height inlined
      • can take a srcset instead of src (for responsive images)
      • add layout="responsive" to adapt size to viewport (while keeping the ratio based on the inlined dimensions)
      • resize is allowed if element is not in the viewport

Notable AMP quirks


  • have to be inlined in <style amp-custom> tag, this is done after_build (look in config.rb)
  • external webfonts - @import is disallowed, use <link> tag


  • Non-AMP JS is not allowed at all. Either find (or create) an AMP component or don't use AMP.

How to use this project

  • Declare if a page should be also built as AMP page in the frontmatter (by default, it's not)
  • Custom helpers:
    • amp_img() - in the non-AMP version, it will output a regular image tag
    • is_amp()