MVCTodo is my attempt to implement some features of the TodoMVC project enirely on my own using ES6.
The app simply implements the all the features of the TodoMVC project except for routing and localStorage.
The main aim was to help me understand and implement OOP and MVC. Initally, I had tried to write the app in 2016 but these concepts proved elusive to me. I have since then learnt more about JavaScript and as such rewritten the entire app in ES6 using features such as:
- Destructuring
- Module bundling
- Template Strings
syntax etc.
The app is bundled by Webpack.
- I am not very happy with the way my methods are exposed - perhaps as I encounter more well written code, I'd learn to write even better JavaScript
- The styling can be improved for better user experience.
- Data persistence and locationHash change are definitely worth it.