
Sources for developer.redhat.com

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Red Hat Developer Site

Getting Started

This section covers the steps you need to do in order to setup your environment and get the site running for the first time. Further sections cover the details.

Fork the project, then clone your fork and add the upstream repository.

     git clone git@github.com:YOUR_USER_NAME/developer.redhat.com.git
     cd developer.redhat.com
     git remote add -f upstream git@github.com:redhat-developer/developer.redhat.com.git

Docker setup

In order to build the site, you need to have a local Drupal and Searchisko service running. This environment is available via Docker images. Before building the site, you must setup this environment first.

  1. Install Docker (or Boot2Docker on a Mac). Select the instructions from the Docker installation docs for your operating system. Make sure Docker is running correctly before proceeding.

  2. Install Docker Compose. Again, make sure this is working correctly before proceeding.

  3. Download the Searchisko data dump from here and copy to _docker/searchisko/overlay/searchisko.sql.zip

  4. Add the host docker to your /etc/hosts file. If you are building on Linux, set the IP address to If you are on a Mac and thus using Boot2Docker, you will need to set the IP address to that of your Boot2Docker image. You can discover this IP address by running boot2docker ip

  5. Run the following commands to build the images and start the containers:

     cd _docker
     docker-compose build
     docker-compose up -d

Once the previous command completes, it will take a few minutes for the services to boot up and get configured. You can monitor the progress by running this command:

    docker logs -f docker_searchiskoconfigure_1

When you see FINISHED! you will know that Searchisko is configured. This is the last step in the process, so all the services should now be ready. Visit the following URLs and check that you don't get any errors:

Site Build Setup

  1. Configure environment variables needed for the site.

    • Request the following values from the JBoss Developer team:

    • Export the values in the appropriate startup script. For example:

        export vimeo_access_token_secret=<VIMEO_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET>
        export vimeo_client_secret=<VIMEO_CLIENT_SECRET>
        export dcp_user=<DCP_USER>
        export dcp_password=<DCP_PASSWORD>

    Alternatively, if you plan to do frequent development on the site, you can request access to the password vault. The password vault is checked in to git (so always contains an up to date version of all keys, passwords and usernames), and is encrypted using GPG. To request access from the Red Hat Developer team, send them the email address associated with your GPG key. To find out more about GPG (including how to create a key) read https://www.gnupg.org/gph/en/manual.html. If you are on Mac, we recommend GPGSuite which provides Keychain management for your GPG key.

  2. Configure the software. NOTE: You must use a version of Ruby installed via RVM.

    • Install RVM from here http://rvm.io if you don't already have it.

    • upgrade RVM.

    • Install the correct Ruby version (See here for details on why '--disable-binary' is needed):

        rvm install ruby-2.1.2 --disable-binary
    • If you see the Error running 'requirements_osx_brew_libs_install autoconf automake libtool pkg-config libyaml readline libksba openssl' error message, you may need to run the following, and then retry the above install command:

        rvm requirements
    • Install any required supporting software. For example, on Fedora you may need to:

        sudo yum install -y rubygem-nokogiri
        sudo yum install -y gcc ruby-devel libxml2 libxml2-devel libxslt libxslt-devel
        sudo sysctl fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288
        sudo sysctl -p
  3. Bootstrap the environment (only needed the first time)

     bundle install
  4. Configure the enviornment:

     rake setup
  5. Build the site for display at http://localhost:4242 and http://docker:8081

     export drupal_user=admin
     export drupal_password=admin
     rake clean preview

NOTE The site will take a long time to build for the first time (10 minutes+). Subsequent builds are much quicker.

If the build was successful, you should be able to visit the site here: http://localhost:4242 and http://docker:8081

Everything below is copied across verbatim from www.jboss.org. Proceed with caution.


New pages should be added to the root with the extension .html.slim

Updating the DCP

Updates to the DCP should happen automatically if the build is being done on the build server, however, if it is down or there is another emergency situation and the site needs to be built and content pushed to the DCP for staging or production please contact Pete Muir, Jason Porter, Andrew Rubinger or Ray Ploski. Below are steps to setup the environment for pushing content to the DCP.

In order to update content in the DCP you must have the URL set in config.yaml and the following two environment variables set:

export dcp_user=jboss-developer
export dcp_password=<see one of the people above for this>

If these two variables are not set you will see a warning during the build:

Missing username and / or password for searchisko

You can then preview the staging site, which will also push data to the DCP staging server:

rake preview[staging]

Alterntively, you can preview/deploy to staging or production and the asociated DCP server will also be updated.


Run rake deploy[staging] or rake deploy[production]

To tag:

rake deploy[staging,tagname]

To run in Awestruct in development mode, execute:


To run Awestruct while developing, execute:

rake preview

To clean the generated site before you build, execute:

rake clean preview

To deploy using the production profile, execute:

rake deploy

To get a list of all tasks, execute:

rake -T

Now you're Awestruct with rake!

Release Process

For example, to release 1.0.Beta6:

rake update
rake "clean[all]" "deploy[staging]"

The site is now deployed to www-stg.jboss.org. You need to go there and check it looks right. If it is, you can deploy to www-beta.jboss.org:

rake "clean[all]" "deploy[beta,1.0.Beta6]"

Finally, you need to commit the new version of _cdn/cdn.yml and push that and the new tag upstream. NOTE: It is very important that you remember to commit+push your changes to cdn.yml.

git commit -a -m “Updated cdn.yml” _cdn/cdn.yml
git push upstream master
git push upstream --tags

Continuous integration

Builds occur automatically when pull requests are submitted, and builds, and deploys, happen when pushes to the master branch occur.

Tracking CI Intermittent Failures

In order to improve the stability of the CI jobs, we need to track the intermittent failures and target the more frequent ones for resolution. The process is:

Carry out the steps below for each of the jobs on here: https://jenkins.mw.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com/hudson/view/jboss.org. Ignore the jobs named after a JIRA issue (e.g. DEVELOPER-1234) as they are setup to debug a particular issue and are the responsibility of the creator to inspect.

Open the job page. E.g: https://jenkins.mw.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com/hudson/view/jboss.org/job/www.jboss.org/ and for each, not yet documented, failed run:

  1. Select the job
  2. Select 'Console Output'
  3. Inspect the output. If it's a new issue, create a JIRA issue. If it's an existing issue, locate the JIRA id. Note: for 'www.jboss.org-pull-player-executor' failures, you need to find out if it was caused by the code changes inthe relate pull request, or if it's an intermittent build issue, unrelated to the PR.
  4. Return to the 'status' page of the run
  5. Selct 'keep this build forvever'
  6. Update the description to contain just the JIRA id (e.g. DEVELOPER-1234)
  7. Update this spreadsheet
  8. If the failure is already known, increment the occurances column and 'last failure' date.
  9. If the failure is new, add a new row to the spreadsheet

When an issue is resolved:

  1. Mark the status as resolved in this spreadsheet
  2. Delete every CI run that failed with this issue.

secrets.gpg management

The secrets.yaml.gpg file is encrypted using GPG with multiple recipients. A plugin for vim such as vim-gnupg (https://github.com/jamessan/vim-gnupg) makes editing the file easy:

  1. Install vim and vim-gnupg e.g. using pathogen
  2. Open the file _config/secrets.yaml.gpg using vim
  3. Use the command :GPGEditRecipients to open the recipient list
  4. Add the email address for the relevant user to the bottom of the edit area
  5. Write and quit this edit area, and the main file using :wq and :wq
  6. Commit the updated _config/secrets.yaml.gpg

In order to do this, you will need load the user's public key in to your keychain. You will need to add the key to your keychain using your preferred tool on your platform. For example, we recommend GPGSuite for Mac OS. In this case:

  1. load GPG Keychain Access application
  2. Select key -> Retreive rom key server
  3. Pass in the ID of the public key you need to add.

Minimailly the follwoing list of receipients is required to encrypt the file:

If you add a new recipient to the file, ensure you update the list above.

Common issues

This area documents fixes to common issues:

"Too many open files"

This can be caused by running out of file descriptors. Currently only seen on Macs. See the following for how to fix: http://superuser.com/questions/433746/is-there-a-fix-for-the-too-many-open-files-in-system-error-on-os-x-10-7-1

"An error occurred: getaddrinfo: nodename nor servname provided, or not known"

Same fix as "Too many open files"

"Unable to decrypt vault (GPGME::Error::BadPassphrase)"

If using GNU PGP, sometimes you're not presented with a popup asking for the passphrase. This will result in the following error being presented: Unable to decrypt vault (GPGME::Error::BadPassphrase). To fix, use the instructions in the following url: https://www.gnupg.org/documentation/manuals/gnupg/Invoking-GPG_002dAGENT.html