
A spreadsheet written in Rust + WASM.

Primary LanguageRust


A spreadsheet written in Rust + WASM + React.

Backend is written in Rust with the Actyx web framework. It's responsible for persisting spreadsheet cell data and for doing websocket shenanigans (i.e. collaboration features).

Data is persisted in Postgresql for convenience -- the Diesel ORM seemed nice.

Frontend is written in React for the UI, and Rust w/ WASM for the actual spreadsheet engine.

All in all, we have a fat client, and a slim but stateful backend.


Install rust + WASM + node toolchains as described in the official docs.


For backend

cd backend

cargo run

For frontend

cd frontend

To compile the rust sources into WASM

wasm-pack build

To serve the website

cd www
npm install
npm start

You can then go to localhost:3000