This repository contains a collection of my older projects that I've decided to publish after many years. I believe it may be helpful for beginners looking to explore various technologies. These projects were created between 2021 and 2021, so you may encounter a lot of spaghetti code. Perhaps I will rewrite them one day with cleaner code.
- Kotlin
- StateFlow
- RXjava
- Navigation component
- Single activity concept
- firebase realtime database & firebase auth
- mvvm architecture
- viewbinding
- repository pattern
- support different screen size
- Add posts with YouTube videos
- Add posts with photo
- Users Profile
- Profile edit
- see Followers list
- Add hint to profile
- Add and delete information about you in your profile
- Change Account type(Normal account - private account - web account)
- View posts of people you are following firstly
- Add strories and view strories
- Edit stories photos before add it
- Post like
- comment on posts
- Change who can see your post( everyone or your followers only)
- Change your birthday visibility (view day and months only - view all birthday date - don't view your birthday date)
- Change Enable or disable comments on post
- Accounts verification
- See only your followers stories
- Chat with users
- Share posts and accounts
- add hashTags on post
- search on accounts and hashTags
- reduce image size before upload it
- sign-in
- Sign-up
- Kotlin
- Coroutines + flow
- StateFlow
- Viewbinding
- Material design
- Motion layout
- mvvm architecture
- Support different screen size
- repository pattern
- Navigation component
- Single activity concept
- retrofit 2
- Hilt for dependency injection