"Multi-Template Scale-Adaptive Kernelized Correlation Filters" ICCVW2015

Authors: Adel Bibi and Bernard Ghanem.

Visit our group's website: https://ivul.kaust.edu.sa/Pages/Home.aspx

Adel Bibi's website: www.adelbibi.com


   adel.bibi [AT] kaust.edu.sa                 bibiadel93 [AT] gmail.com

Bernard Ghanem's website: http://www.bernardghanem.com/


   Bernard.Ghanem [AT] kaust.edu.sa 

This MATLAB code implements a simple tracking pipeline based on the multi template scale adpative kernelized correlation fitler (KCF_MTS).

It is free for research use. If you find it useful, please acknowledge the paper above with a reference.

For implementation details, please check (Read_Me_KCT_MTSA.txt).