
Demonstration of Ruby tests for Parse Cloud Code functions

Primary LanguageRuby


This is an example project demonstrating a basic testing setup for Parse Cloud Code. Tests are written in Ruby using Test::Unit (easily changed).


There's no "one and done" way to install, but you can always just copy the relevant files into your application. Be sure to copy the Rakefile and everything in the test folder (and replace with your own tests!).


This project is experimental, but it would probably be best for files and test functions in the test folder to map one-to-one to files and cloud functions in the cloud folder.

Writing a test is easy. Let's say we want to test the following:

Parse.Cloud.define('trivial', function(request, response) {

In test, create a file called test_main.rb. First we'll add some boilerplate:

require 'helper'

class TestMain < Test::Unit::TestCase
  def test_trivial
    # test will go here

This setup uses parse-ruby-client to execute the cloud functions. The basic usage is:

function = Parse::Cloud::Function.new("nameOfFunction")
function.call({"arguments" => "asHash", "getParsed" => "toJSON"})

Putting it all together:

require 'helper'

class TestMain < Test::Unit::TestCase
  def test_trivial
    function = Parse::Cloud::Function.new("trivial")
    params = {"foo" => "bar"}
    result = function.call(params)
    assert_equal result, params

And to run the tests:

$ rake test
Run options: 

# Running tests:


Finished tests in 0.616816s, 1.6212 tests/s, 1.6212 assertions/s.

1 tests, 1 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips


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