
Gem that wraps the fullPage.js library http://alvarotrigo.com/fullPage/

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


fullpage-rails wraps the fullPage.js library in a Rails engine for simple use with the asset pipeline provided by Rails 3.1 and higher. The Gem includes the development (non-minified) source for ease of exploration. The asset pipeline will minify in production.

fullPage.js is "A simple and easy to use plugin to create fullscreen scrolling websites (also known as single page websites or onepage sites). It allows the creation of fullscreen scrolling websites, as well as adding some landscape sliders inside the sections of the site." Please see its documentation for details.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'fullpage-rails'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install fullpage-rails

Add the following directive to your JavaScript manifest file (application.js):

//= require fullpage


fullpage-rails 2.7.8 -> fullPage.js 2.7.8

Every attempt is made to mirror the currently shipping fullPage.js version number whenever possible. The major, minor, and patch version numbers will always represent the fullPage.js version. Should a Gem bug be discovered, a 4th version identifier will be added and incremented.


Thanks to Derek Prior for his blog post regarding Gem packaging and for packaging momentjs-rails. I shamelessly copied the whole structure.