
An universal which-key command to provide spacemacs-like shortcut tooltip on desktop and any windows

Primary LanguageShellOtherNOASSERTION


This repository is a work in progress

An universal which-key shortcut displayer inspired from emacs-which-key


(of course yawich-key is unixporn compliant and can be customized through pywal, themer, env variable)

Get started


Create two shortcuts with your favorite shortcut manager

bash ~/path/to/yawhich-key # (minor mode) for default commands, conventionaly on space
bash ~/path/to/yawhich-key --major #(major mode) for application specific commands, conventionaly on comma


bindsym $mod+space exec "bash ~/path/to/yawhich-key"
bindsym $mod+comma exec "bash ~/path/to/yawhich-key --major"

Create config

mkdir ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:=$HOME/.config}/yawhich-key
$EDITOR ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:=$HOME/.config}/yawhich-key/config.yaml
# .config/yawhich-key/config.yaml
  editor: code
  terminal: kitty
  terminal_hold: kitty --hold
  music: spotify
  file_manager: dolphin
  browser: vivaldi-snapshot
  # Here you can override default options (man rofi)
  rofi_options: -lines 5 -location 6

Minor mode (general short cut map)


Configure your custom commands inside ./layers/core.yaml (core.yaml is the entry point by default) and chain them by

  • calling ./yawhich-key layers/custom-layer.yaml if you want to separate the files
  • nesting
// foo.yaml
name: core.yaml.bak

# Which window class with it match against (not used yet)
# window_class: any(list(str()), str())

# dependencies: (not used yet)

    +apps: # it can be nested
        +file: $file_manager
        +calculator: rofi -show calc -modi calc -no-show-match -no-sort
        +music: $music
        +terminal: $terminal
        +browser: $browser
        +process: $terminal --class popup_bashtop bashtop
        +kill: xkill
        +editor: $editor
    +files: ./yawhich-key ./layers/files.yaml
    +toggles: ./yawhich-key ./layers/toggles.yaml # another layer can be calledinstead of nesting
    +/-search: rofi -auto-select -show-icons -drun-show-actions -combi-modi window,drun,ssh -show combi -modi combi

Major mode (current window class specific)

./yawhich-key --major will search the matching currently focused window WM_CLASS in layers/wm_class.yaml If nothing is found it will notifiy-send an error

Soon to be defined by the window_class: key in layers


  • Not yet in config folder
  • Cant use special keys like space, esc, alt, meta... only chars
  • Cant use two same key in a same menu
  • If you press a wrong secquence or delete the invisible character the match wont work. (every time you open yawhich-key an invisible character is inserted in the search and this is what allow me to match by only pressing one key)
  • Cant go back


  • Basic secquence key handling
  • Configure through bash script or yaml with env var instead of json
  • App specific yawhich-key
  • Easy sharing layers with community through gist upload commands (inspired by pet)
  • Standalone program (not using rofi), handle special keys shortcuts




Any contribution is welcome, especially ideas of usefull shortcuts, themes, tackling ongoing issues, security issues / fix !