
Particles reproduction of Saturn system using Three.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Image of resulting scene


  • Create a particle-system representation of Saturn Rings.
  • Use THREE.js as inteface to WebGL.
  • Emphasize use of shaders and technologies studied.
  • Summary study on efficiency of application.
A well and examples fully documentation si available here: Three.js


  • Like Jupiter, is a Giant Planet: it’s the second biggest planet of our solar system.
  • It’s largely composed by hydrogen and helium: it’s a gased planet.
  • It has 88 moons and 16 rings. These rings are composed by debris and dust.
  • It has a revolution period of 29 years and a day of 10 hours.

On this context we apply some semplifications on this enormous system:

  • Saturn is represented with 2 rings and 1 moon, Titan.
  • Collisions betweendebrisaretrascured.
  • Shapes of Saturn and Titano are rounded as spheres.

Ring – Debris’s orbit

  • Omitting Y dimension, the orbit of a single paritcle can easly be described by a formula like:
    • x = A*cos(t)
    • z = B*cos(t)
  • Unfortunately, using formula like that for every verticies means positioning all in the same point.
  • The result would be a single particle moving on elliptic orbit.
  • A solution may be introduce a constant different for evry verticies. Orbit formula can be rewrite as:
    • x = A*cos(base + t)
    • z = B*cos(base + t) mockup of debris orbit
  • Now all particles are disposed in different points of orbit: they compose a ring.
  • It’s not enought: every particle need a certain freedom degree.
  • To reach that purpose offsets on X and Z axis are now introduced.
  • These offsets move out the particle from the “main” orbit.
  • With right bounds on offsets, the resulting effect is something like a streched ring.
  • Ending, orbit formula will be like:
    • x = (A + offsetX)*cos(base + t)
    • z = (B + offsetZ)*cos(base + t) mockup of debris orbit


It’s not easy to evaluate performances of a system strongly based on hardware design and software optimization. It’s only possible make some considerations:

  • Using a MacBook Pro Retina (2,4 GHz Intel Core i5, Intel Iris 1536 MB) and Safari as reference, were observed results below: performances