Quantum Assembler

This repository will hold the code and some basic documentation about the quantum assembly language and the assembler. The documentation will also include the Instruction Set.

How to build

Basic Building


Basic building is what to use if you want to build and run as quickly as possible. It will compile the project outputting warnings and executing debug blocks. The output binary can be found in bin/


make profile

This command will compile and run your code with flags suitable for profiling and producing code coverage reports. The flags also include those of basic building. The reports can be found in the logs/ directory.


make test

This command will run the same flags as those of the basic building alongside a flag to compile unittest blocks.

Release Building

make release

This command will perform optimizations when compiling, suitable for release code. The resulting binary can be found in bin/.

Generating documentation

make gendoc

This command will generate documentation as well as building the project. The documentation files can be found in doc/.

How to run

make run

This command is enough to run the program