
Primary LanguageJava

CMPS 253 - Project 1

The project consists of parsing a novel presented in a txt file then finding out the author's opinion about all the locations mentioned. The program should output a map in which a pin is displayed on all mentioned locations. Once a pin is clicked the program should display the wordcloud characterizing the location. A wordcloud will contain the words that the author used to describe a location.

Utility Application

UML to JAVA code

python uml.py <uml> [<output-dir>]

The UML file should follow this template (which is self-explanatory)

# to use a package (it will be included in all the files
import java.io.*

# to create a class
class Class1

# to create a class that extends another class
class Class1 -> Class2

# private member
- int age

# static member
-s String name

# public member
+ int age

# protected member
* String name

# Constructor
+ Class2(String a, int b)

# method
* int computeAge(int age)

Team Members

  • Rafeh, Bayan
  • Saleh, Adel
  • Zakhour, George
  • Chaar, Omar