
Building an NFT-powered fully on-chain DAO to invest in NFT collections as a group.

Primary LanguageSolidity


This contract implements a fully on-chain DAO that allows a group of investors to pool their funds and invest in NFT collections.


  • This contract is written in Solidity and requires the use of a compatible Ethereum client to interact with the blockchain.
  • To deploy the contract, compile the code and deploy it to the Ethereum network using a tool such as Remix or Truffle.


Once deployed, use the following terminal commands to interact with the contract:

  • npm init --yes: Initialize a new Node.js project in the current directory.
  • npm install --save-dev hardhat @nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox: Install the Hardhat development environment and its toolbox.
  • npx hardhat: Run the Hardhat command-line interface to compile, test, and deploy the contract.
  • npm install @openzeppelin/contracts: Install the OpenZeppelin library for Solidity smart contracts.
  • npx hardhat test: Run the automated tests for the contract.
  • npx hardhat coverage: Generate a code coverage report for the contract.
  • npx hardhat console: Open the Hardhat console to interact with the contract.
  • NFTDAO.deployed(): Load the deployed contract instance.
  • NFTDAO.methods.<method>(): Call a contract method, replacing <method> with the name of the method.
  • npm install dotenv

For front end folder

-npm install @rainbow-me/rainbowkit wagmi viem


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.