First, clone the turkey-map-weather-app repository:
git clone
Secondly, set cmd route the turkey-map-weather-app folder:
cd turkey-map-weather-app
Thirdly, open the .env file and set the OPEN_WATHER_MAP_API_KEY:
Fourthly, install the project dependencies:
npm i
# or
npm install
Lastly, start the project and visited: http://localhost:3000/
npm run dev
# or
npm run dev --rocket
- @nextui-org/react: "^2.1.13",
- framer-motion: "^10.16.4",
- next: "14.0.0",
- react: "^18",
- react-dom: "^18",
- react-icons: "^4.11.0",
- turkey-map-react: "^1.2.1",
- zustand: "^4.4.4"
- @types/node: "^20",
- @types/react: "^18",
- @types/react-dom: "^18",
- autoprefixer: "^10",
- eslint: "^8",
- eslint-config-next: "14.0.0",
- postcss: "^8",
- tailwindcss: "^3",
- typescript: "^5"
Click the city and skelaton loading
In case of errors and when trying to enter data of non-existent cities
Settings icon click and open the lastest saw cities. If you any city click and redirect the city details.
Click the city and skelaton loading
In case of errors and when trying to enter data of non-existent cities
Settings icon click and open the lastest saw cities. If you any city click and redirect the city details.