
Make an escalation to cartolafc game

Primary LanguagePython

Cartola Predictor

Just a study script to help Cartola lineup.

How to

  1. Install Python3 if it is not already installed
  2. Install dependencies pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  3. Add execution permission to Main file chmod +x Main.py
  4. Create on the root folder a file config.txt with your cartola username and password as a follow:

Run it

Just run it with ./Main.py and you'll get the next turn score prediction of each player.


  • After follow the How to steps:
$ ./Main.py
Getting auth
Getting teams
Getting athletes
Getting scores
	Getting score of Fulano
	Getting score of Sicrano
	Getting score of Beltrano
	[All players will appear here]
Training using 2000 generations. It can take a long time to end
    |Population Average|    Best Individual     |
---- ------------------ ------------------------ ----------
 Gen   Length   Fitness   Length Fitness OOB Fit  Time Left
   0    12.53     24.14       13    1.37    4.83      2.07s
[All generations will appear here, it take a long time to finish]   
Getting results

Below the Getting results line we have a CSV of all players score prediction sorted by the best one. The columns are described below.


  • Scale: Appears an * if you should scale otherwise a blank space. The rule to scale is:
    • The athlete has a Probable status
    • The athlete has a Position that still is vague in the escalation
    • The athlete has the big score projection possible
  • Name: The athlete name
  • Team: The athlete team
  • Position: The athlete position
  • Status: The athlete status
  • Price: The athlete price
  • Prediction: The algorithm score to the player


All customization need to be made in Main.py.

Change escalation

In the main function of Main file change it:

escalation = {
    Position.GOALKEEPER: 1,
    Position.DEFENDER: 2,
    Position.SIDE: 2,
    Position.MIDFIELD: 4,
    Position.ATTACKER: 2,
    Position.COACH: 1

it is the default escalation 4:4:2, you just need change the number of players of each escalation

Change the number of generations

In the main function of Main file change it: generations = 2000 to receive a number of generation that you want, for example generations = 666

Change other algorithms params

All algorithms params are in the main function of Main file in the code:

est_gp = SymbolicRegressor(
        const_range=(-50., 50.),
            'add', 'sub', 'mul', 'div', 'sqrt', 
            'log', 'abs', 'neg', 'inv', 'max', 
            'min', 'sin', 'cos', 'tan'))