pyregpt calculates power spectra (density - density, density - velocity, velocity - velocity) and RSD correction terms A and B at 1 and 2 loops. Bias terms ( are computed at 1 loop. This package is essentially based on RegPT and RegPTcorr ( The original Fortran code has been refurbished into a more flexible C code, including OpenMP for parallelization. A basic Python wrapper (based on ctypes) is provided in The integration range and precision are not hardcoded anymore and can be set through set_precision. All tests are in pyregpt/tests/. Parts of this code make use of the Cuba library.
- numpy
- scipy
Simply run:
python -m pip install git+
git clone
To install the code:
python install --user
Or in development mode (any change to Python code will take place immediately):
python develop --user
If you wish to use clang compiler (instead of gcc), you may encounter an error related to -fopenmp
In this case, you can try to export::
export CC=clang
Before installing pyregpt.
pyregpt is free software distributed under a GPLv3 license. For details see the LICENSE.