
A Linux, Apache2, MySql and Php5 distro for devs

Primary LanguageShell

A simple LAMP Stack

This is a very basic repository for php devs


Ubuntu 14.04 (base image)
Apache 2.5.7
Mysql 5.5.43
PHP 5.5.9


docker pull atymchuk/lampy

Running a container from this image

docker run --name lampy -d -p 80:80 atymchuk/lampy

The default timezone is Etc/UTC. Should you need to set a different timezone, you have to pass a TIMEZONE environment variable, i.e:

docker run --name lampy -d -p 80:80 -e TIMEZONE=Europe/Amsterdam atymchuk/lampy

Point your browser to http://localhost to launch your app


user: root

password: [leave blank]